The latest books..

Hi, everyone get ready for a busy few weeks. I have over six books I’m going to be reading, because I’ve made a huge boo-boo in my requests. It is fine, but a difficult feat for me to conquer. However, this means you, my fans and followers are in for a great couple of months of posts and books to think about for the coming spring/summer season.

After all the nor’easters we have conquered the past month, we need a much deserved spring time. 🙂  I’m hoping I can continue to read and post, because I have this ridiculous tickle in my throat today. I’m hoping some emergen-C and elderberry will kill it off.

I can’t wait to share with you the latest books I’m reading. Here are some the following titles, you will see coming up

The Hearts Appeal- so far a very interesting novel

The Pirate’s Bride- I’m not quite half way, but it is very good and different from most books. It is split into two sections, but you’ll have to wait for that review.

Martha’s flowers- This is my last blogging for books request (I’m so sad the company is shutting down it had a great selection of books)

Until next week… Happy Reading!!!

The final installment of the Amish Cooking Class!

The final installment of the Amish Cooking Class!

Greetings from SNOWMEGGON!!167460

It’s been a very snowy march for me. Oh my! About three to four feet of snow in some areas. It’s the Berkshires of Massachusetts, so what do I expect. Sunny and 70 degrees. Oh not in March!!! Third Snowiest March on records at this moment. 🙂 Let’s get started

Here we go again. We are off to see Heidi and Lyle Troyer’s and their next adventure of cooking classes in the Amish Cooking Class: The Celebration by Wanda E Brunstetter.

Since we last saw the Troyer’s, they have welcomed in two foster children, Randy and Marsha, who have lost their parents in a tragic car accident.  Both children are devastated with their lost, but feel safe at the Troyer’s. As long as the children, accept their new way of life and Heidi and Lyle, they may be adopted into their family. 🙂 Only time will tell how the children will adapt. In the mean time, Heidi feels that it would help the children if they had some interaction with some other kids in the area.  This leads Heidi to open her doors once again to a cooking class. However, this time it is for children.

When Heidi begins her next round of cooking classes, not only do the children attend, but also their parents. We have Debbie and Kevin, who are the tiniest children next to to Heidi’s and whose mom is Miranda; Kassidy, who is the official class brat and her mother is Denise. Then we have two single parents, Ellen and Darren. Darren is a widower and he and his son, Jeremy are struggling with the lost of their wife and mother. And Becky is Ellen’s daughter. 🙂 Later on, we will meet the Troyer’s new neighbor, Velma, and her two younger children Peggy Ann and Eddie.

Each parent is struggling with ‘grown up’ issues; death, marriage separations, other marital issues, and family issues, etc. Through Heidi’s cooking classes and the precious verses she leaves on the back of the recipe cards, these help and speak to each individual differently, but give them much needed guidance in their current lives.

Will each parent receive the answers they need? Will they come to God for the answers? Will Heidi be able to keep these children that she dearly loves as her own? Well…. you just will have to grab a copy for yourself. If I continue, I may spoil this final installment of the Amish Cooking Class Series. I really recommend looking for the book yourself at one of the below retailers.

Walmart: $14.38 Paperback

Amazon: $11.74 Paperback; $9.99 Ebook (also see if Prime Lending Library or Kindle Unlimited let’s you borrow this book as well)

Barnes and Noble: $11.74 Paperback; $9.99 Nook

Christian Book: $11.49 Paperback; $9.99 eBook

I don’t want to close without saying thank you to the publishers of Barbour Publishing and the Net Galley program for allowing me to review this awesome story. I’ve really enjoyed this book.

I hope to see you again soon, and happy reading!

A little prairie girl we all know

Recently, I read this great book called A Prairie Girl’s Faith by Stephen W. Hines. This book was a great read because it actually looked deeper into a well known person and character we have all grown up reading about. This woman is Laura Ingalls Wilder.

This book is more of a historical synopsis of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s faith in God and religious back ground. We learn about her Ma and Pa’s faith and their individual beliefs. We learn about the hardships Laura deals with in each journey she had to handle.  We also learn a lot about her husband Almanzo Wilder and his faith journey, as well as their daughter Rose’s faith background.  The book also look into the events in their generation and how they approached things with the guidance of their faith.

I really have enjoyed this book. It gave me a different look are Laura Ingalls Wilder and who she was. I’m so glad that I received it for free my honest opinion through the Blogging for Book Program, which I’m sad to say will be closing it doors next week. 😦 It was a great program.  The best and the first program I ever joined. 🙂

This was a very enlightening read! I will recommend this book to anyone that is interested in learning more about the faith of Laura Ingalls Wilder. If you like Little House the Prairie then you will definitely enjoy this book.

Here are some places you may be able to find this heart warming and enlightening book.

Amazon: Hardcover $14.11; Kindle $11

ChristianBook: Hardcover $14.49

Barnes and Noble: Hardcover $15.51; Nook $11.99

Until next time, Happy Reading!! Next week I’ll be posting about the third installment to the Amish Cooking Class series that I have been reading since the beginning. 🙂 Stay tuned.