A little prairie girl we all know

Recently, I read this great book called A Prairie Girl’s Faith by Stephen W. Hines. This book was a great read because it actually looked deeper into a well known person and character we have all grown up reading about. This woman is Laura Ingalls Wilder.

This book is more of a historical synopsis of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s faith in God and religious back ground. We learn about her Ma and Pa’s faith and their individual beliefs. We learn about the hardships Laura deals with in each journey she had to handle.  We also learn a lot about her husband Almanzo Wilder and his faith journey, as well as their daughter Rose’s faith background.  The book also look into the events in their generation and how they approached things with the guidance of their faith.

I really have enjoyed this book. It gave me a different look are Laura Ingalls Wilder and who she was. I’m so glad that I received it for free my honest opinion through the Blogging for Book Program, which I’m sad to say will be closing it doors next week. 😦 It was a great program.  The best and the first program I ever joined. 🙂

This was a very enlightening read! I will recommend this book to anyone that is interested in learning more about the faith of Laura Ingalls Wilder. If you like Little House the Prairie then you will definitely enjoy this book.

Here are some places you may be able to find this heart warming and enlightening book.

Amazon: Hardcover $14.11; Kindle $11

ChristianBook: Hardcover $14.49

Barnes and Noble: Hardcover $15.51; Nook $11.99

Until next time, Happy Reading!! Next week I’ll be posting about the third installment to the Amish Cooking Class series that I have been reading since the beginning. 🙂 Stay tuned.


World War II Christian Romance

World War II Christian Romance

I just read this fantastic book, With Love, Wherever you are, by Dandi Daley MacKall. Based on a true story of Dandi’s real life parents, this was a book that would not disappoint. Just to note, the story is slightly fictionalized but the story is based on true events. Below is a video from the author to hear more about her inspiration for the novel.

This book starts with a nurse named Helen Eberhart. She has had a difficult life and has always wanted to a care and cure others of their illnesses. One day, she had enough of the hospital she was working for and decided to quit and join the American Red Cross during the start of World War II.

When she gets to her station, she is beside herself and what she has been assigned to do. During her worse moment, she runs right into the man, Frank Daley, who falls in love with her at first sight. He shows her love and care without even knowing her name. They go to church together. They talk about God and family. He meets her every single night.

Soon their relationship becomes strained; therefore, they begin to write letters to each other. Helen and Frank soon marry, but they are deployed to Europe shortly after. All they have are letters, which they write 3, if not 4, times a day. Times are tough, but will Helen and Frank’s marriage last? I’m not gonna tell you, you’ll need to get the book. 😉

ChristianBook.com: $10.99

Amazon: $15.99; Kindle $9.99

BN.com: $15.99, Nook: $10.99

Walmart: $16.11

I recommend this book for younger adults, because you will note this book does have a few graphic moments in it due to the fact we are speaking of World War II. Also, the author does mention Helen and Frank make love several times in the book. Nothing graphic, just a mention of it. Additionally, I like the fact Helen maintains her faith in God, although she struggles a lot of trusting Frank so far away from her. Frank’s faith grows as he looks up to Major Bradford for guidance and as a great example of maintaining faith in God even when everyone is dying around them.

I can’t say it enough, this is one of those books I may have to re-read again sometime. I can’t forget to mention that I want to thank the great publishers at Tyndale Publishing for the option of reading this great book for my honest and heart felt opinion.

Until next time, Happy Reading!


Books and short stories for the Holiday Season

Hi, folks… We got a great selection of short stories just for the Holiday Season. We’ll also cover two great books I’ve read this month. 🙂 I’m so happy to have been sharing with you all these great stories this year. I hope that we’ll be able to continue and grow our social network next year. 15 more followers would be a great acheivement for 2017. Let’s make that happen!

So next week, watch for upcoming holiday reviews and my latest book Shadow in the Storm. This book gives me mixed feelings on whether I like it or not. I’m about half-way so we’ll be doing a review on that shortly.

Can’t wait…

Hi, folks I got several book reviews coming up and I just can’t wait to get my books in the mail. 🙂 I was going to start another book , but I got a request to read a Civil War setting Romance book.. I can’t wait to share that with you. Plus I got a really cool hair styles book I’m getting shortly. 🙂

I’m very excited. I’ve also signed up to look at an adult coloring book, but I don’t know if I’ve gotten selected or not.. So we’ll have to wait and see on that one.

I never would have realized how much work goes into social media. I’m getting the hang of it , though. 🙂

Don’t forget to follow me. More followers more chances for more awesome books.:-)

For more interesting things, check out my other cool sites. I love testing and trying new products so my Fun2Test blog is great. My Beauty Blog is fun too, when I get to try new things. My AVON Gal blog is about everything AVON and the awesome products they carry. Then last but not least, my favorite passion besides books, is crafting. I love to craft and you can see all my cool crafts on my crafting blog too.. I’m selling some crafts now so check out my store...

The Triangle Fire

Hello, folks. Hope you all have had a lovely Thanksgiving so far and are all out shopping, since it is Black Friday 2015.Saw a few good deals, but nothing caught my eye. So far the stores seem to be happy with their results.  Now lets get cozy with a warm cup of tea/coffee or hot chocolate (with marshmallows, of course) and a nice book.

Today we are going to talk about the book historical look at The Triangle Fire by David Von Drehle. This is an interesting book and actually is a significant event that made all factory regulations change.

The Triangle Fire is the account of a fire in a textile factory that was in New York City in 1911. Many women worked their for a living and many young teenage girls were working there to make a few dollars to get their families over a hump due to the Great Depression.

What we learn from this book is about several individuals and what their lives were like. We also learn that the building was not ready for a fire. Their were very few emergency exits (some doors couldn’t open either) and the fire escapes were in  great need of repair. The fire started on the ninth floor, which cause a major problem for the people on the tenth Floor. Most of the individuals below the ninth floor got out. However, many people died (146 individuals) and was one of the biggest fires in New York City history. This incident brought about the change for more fire escapes and emergency exits to be brought up to code.

There was no way for escape for many of these people.Many of the dead had to be identified, so they opened the morgue for a walk-thru. It was a gut wrenching day for everyone.

The book  I have has pictures and is very detailed. Their is so much to learn from the Triangle Factory Fire. At least all factories soon follow suit and correct issues due to this horrific incident which cost so many young women’s lives.

If you are looking to do a history report, I recommend picking up this book it will be definitely be worth your time and you’ll learn quite a bit from it. Here’s where you can find the book:

Barnes and Noble: $13.83

Amazon: $13.70 paperback; $9.99 kindle

Thanks for stopping by tonight.  If you like what you see here, please follow. If I get 30 followers, I’ll be able to read more books and have giveaways.

Happy Reading!

Can’t wait to see you all next week!!!!! Bye now and Hearts to all of you.